Enoch Community Development & Renewal Agency
An agency created to assist in Economic Development of Enoch City
Mayor Geoffrey Chesnut - Chair
Councilmember David Harris Councilmember Katherine Ross Councilmember Bob Tingey Councilmember Debra Ley Councilmember Shawn Stoor |
The CDRA meets as needed during a regularly scheduled City Council Meeting. The City Council Meeting is scheduled at 6 p.m. on the first and third Wednesday's of each month.
During the CDRA meeting on April 6th, 2015, the Agency approved the Community Development Area Plan for the property described to the right.
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Section 14 Township 35 South Range 11 West; Commencing at the N ¼ Sec 14, T35S, R11W, SLM; S88*55'27"E along section line 569.54 feet; S00*00'00" East 39.66 feet to point of beginning, said point also being located on south right of way line of Midvalley Road, said point also being located on record east line of 3 Peak Subdivision, Phase 1; S82*48'19'East along said right of way line 97.04 feet; continue along said line S88*55'27" East 639 feet to curve to right, radius of 35.00 feet & central angle of 89*23'01"; southeasterly along said curve 54.60 feet to point on west right of way line of Minersville Highway 130: S00*27'34" west along said line 1181.55 feet to curve to right, radius of 34.00 feet & central angle of 90*26'52": southwesterly along said curve 53.67 feet to point located on north line of Homestead Boulevard; N89*05'34"West along said line 625.74 feet to curve to left, radius of 1150.00 feet & central angle of 05*27'44"; westerly along said curve 109.63 feet to point located on east line of said record 3 Peak Subdivision, Phase I; N00*26'18" East along said line 1268.28 feet to point of beginning.
Consisting of 22.12 Acres. |