With a well down for repairs and the weather being so HOT, we ask all Enoch City residents to refrain from watering established grass for 2 nights!!! After these two nights, please irrigate sparingly and only at night.
We have been working on three different areas for future water needs of Enoch residents and businesses: 1) Improving existing sources: We have increased the capacity of 3 of the 6 culinary wells by cleaning, drilling, and adding larger pumps. We are also contracting with a construction company to add a small tank to one well to remove the air bubbles caused by high velocity of water when it is at maximum pumping and impacting neighboring customers in their homes. Bid opening is tomorrow...finally. We are also researching the capacity of an older irrigation well we own to see if it can take care of one or two large users, instead of their use of culinary water. 2) Adding new wells: We are in negotiations with 3 farmers for the purchase of their wells and preparing the documents for Utah Division of Water Quality approvals, which takes more time than we like. These negotiations started last year and are finally coming to a positive end for 2 wells. The other will depend on some upcoming changes to the State Constitution and related State Code. 3) Discovering untapped/new water sources: The Water Board and City Council have contracted with Willowstick Technologies ( http://www.willowstick.com/ ) to seek possible locations for productive future wells. Most of the time we rely upon water "diviners" or "witchers", hydrogeologists, well-drillers, and even divine inspiration to locate places to drill for good water. Science has been adapting to the needs of many industries and we are having this company use their Gamma and Passive Seismic surveying, along with geology & fault line tracing to create 3D modeling of highly suspect areas in and around Enoch City. We have had some experience in the last 2 years with Mark Burr and the Passive Seismic surveying at one of our wells. We used his data and drilled from 500' depth to 1000' depth. The well produced 150-180 gallons per minute and now it is upwards of 600-800 gallons per minute. This survey data has been used in other places in the valley with positive results. These next few days are critical and we are doing some things to take some of the "heat" off the users. Enoch City properties are not watering. The churches and elementary school are not watering. I turned my irrigation water off. City Council and staff are doing the same, except for those that might have new grass. We are also coordinating with the churches and school to schedule future watering with each other in mind. It has also been very interesting to see behavior change in relation to irrigation depending upon other factors. When there is more cloud cover, the system catches up quicker from the night irrigation. When the weather cools off for a day or two, the same thing happens Comments are closed.
Welcome.Incorporated in 1966, Enoch City boasts of its history of the Old Spanish Trail, its pioneer heritage, its unprecedented growth, its family values, and its delicious water.
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December 2024
Enoch City has partnered with EVERBRIDGE for emergency notifications.